♥ 2E6 Camp Blog
Campfire's burning for 2E6 !

2E6 , a class made of 40 and 1 patient teacher , Miss Mak .

Blog Admins : Genevieve , Jean ,YiJia , TongLin and Jeremy .

Layout: vehemency
Icon: reruntherace

2T1 2T2 2N3 2N4 2E5 2E7 2E8

Day 3
Thursday, July 29, 2010, 11:08 PM

Tonight is the last night of the Sec 2 Adventure Camp. We feel very sad because we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves over the past 3 days.

We started our day with the Sarimbun Challenge. It involved many team-building activities which require us to communicate effectively with our classmates.

After lunch, we went for our CIP where we walked a very long distance from the campsite to various checkpoints around Lim Chu Kang. Along the way, we picked up a lot of litter and managed to fill up three trash bags fully! Although we had to walk under the scorching hot sun, we made merry by singing and cheering throughout our journey. Moreover, we could also keep the environment clean and green!

The highlight of the day is definitely the CAMPFIRE! We have spent a lot of time to prepare for our campfire presentation. Joel and Yaozu had to act like ladies while we cheered. A resounding applause was heard so we think that our presentation was well-received! Yuxuan and Tong Lin also represented our class for the Dance Challenge! Even though they did not clinch the champion title, we still feel proud of them! The speech made by the Camp Chief, Azlan, was exceptionally meaningful:

"The putting out of the flame may signify the end of the camp but it also marks the start of a new beginning."

After listening to his wise words, we feel that it's worthwhile coming for this camp as 2E6 has become more united through all the team-bonding activities.It really motivated all of us to continue being as one just like what our class motto states "United we Stand,Divided we Fall."

Day 2
Wednesday, July 28, 2010, 10:50 PM

Today is yet another lethargic but fulfilling day.

We did abseiling and Flying Fox (a.k.a Zipline) which were really challenging. Most of us preferred to be a 'flying fox' but some of us still tried abseiling.

Then, we moved on to climb the rock wall. It was tough initially because of the slight drizzle which made the wall a bit slippery. Still, we persevered and with the encouragement of our classmates, many of us managed to reach at least half of the wall!

The Challenge Rope Course gave some of us the opportunity to overcome our fear of height. With the relentless encouragement from us, 2E6ians like Tonglin and Valerie were able to complete their courses after struggling with their inner fears.

After lunch, we were engaged in some team-building activities at the General Stations. We now understand the need to communicate better and with the trust between all of us, we managed to complete the activities successfully.

Kayaking was the last water activity for the whole camp and it was the activity that many of us were looking forward to! We were paired up with the opposite gender. Valerie and Jeremy capsized right after they paddled out to the sea. How hilarious! We learnt how to paddle forward and backwards, and to steer the kayak left and right. We tried to capsize Miss Mak but she managed to paddle away successfully with Shameel. It was obvious that Xavier, the instigator, wasn’t a match for her. We were so reluctant to go back to the shore when the trainer blew her whistle. However, we were glad that we had the opportunity to paddle our kayak with our classmates!

Finally, at night, we had to compose and sing songs. Many of us sang till we lost our voices as we screamed at top of our voices. We also had to cheer loudly to have our food.

Well, it has been an exciting day and it's time to rest now to prepare ourselves for tomorrow!

Day 1
Monday, July 26, 2010, 9:09 PM

Everybody was excited on the way to Sarimbun Campsite . After we reached Sarimbun , we gathered at the field for camp admin . After admin , we proceeded to pitch our tents at the grass field. Through the tent-pitching , we projected our TEAM SPIRIT . We needed people to support the frame and tie the knots to the mallets. All these were done to ensure that our tents did not collapse! We also had to communicate well with each other in order to carry out our tasks effectively.

After pitching our tents, we went for lunch at the huge white tentage. Lunch was not too bad and we had to wash our own utensils.

After lunch, we went for rafting at Camp Christine . The boys and girls were separated into groups. Both teams had to build a raft with the provided materials . Fortunately, both rafts did not sink when they went to the sea! It was very enjoyable! We had to coordinate with each other to paddle and those who were controlling the rafts at the shore via a rope, also had to ensure that they pull the rafts back. Without these efforts, the rafts would flow accordingly to the current .

Next was a team-building activity. The boys did the Tyre Swing while the girls did the Tyre Tunnel . Miss Mak even tried the Tyre Tunnel! It was challenging but fun! :)
Team spirit was important as we had to push the tyres in order not to let the tyres swing around. Communication was also important as we had to communication to direct the the person in the tunnel to the finishing point. Then , we had to overcome certain rope obstacles before reaching the slide leading to the Milo Pond. It was dipping fun ! We had to slide down into the Milo Pond . It was refreshing especially when the weather was hot.

Then, we had some team-bonding games . We played the game 'Blow Wind Blow'. It was so fun! Through the games, we discover that our class has an overwhelming team spirit!:)

Fortunately, dinner was next as we were all famished . Subsequently, we went on a Night Walk at the adjacent forest. The ground was all muddy and all our shoes were soaked in mud. It was an entirely new experience walking in the dark in the forest! We learnt that communication key as it was pitch dark and we couldn't see the way clearly. We had to depend on our friends to tell us the way while we held each other's hand. We were able make it through the walk safe and sound!

Alright, it's getting late. Will update tomorrow again.